Monday, March 21, 2005

How to spend a long weekend in Tokyo...

First, stay in on Friday night, make a favorite meal and eat it in front of the tv. Wake up on Saturday morning and decide that you are NOT going to the gym and then proceed to cross off the other items on your to-do list, including making pancakes for the first time in your life (even if it is using a box of Bisquick), buying an auxiliary cable for your stereo system, and picking up 4lbs. of salt to fade some tee-shirts.

Follow this up with tickets to see a movie purely for its potential entertainment value--even if its reviews are not so flattering (like "National Treasure"--opening in Japan four months after everywhere else in the world). Order pizza of your choice upon your return home. Wrap things up by retiring early, vowing to make it to the gym in the morning.

Nix the gym idea shortly after waking, (optional) get raunchy with your partner, play around on your new laptop computer, and generally laze about the house. Watch Jeremy Clarkson on a program about speed --taking care to switch off the Japanese dubbing (in English at least, that man can be very funny sometimes) and then switch channels to watch the Malaysian Grand Prix. Order in Indian food and half-watch an "Ally McBeal" re-run (called "Ally, My Love" in Japan) as you eat.

Swear that you ARE going to the gym the next day (even though it's a holiday) and pray that your box of expired Claritin has at least a couple of still effective tablets left in it (otherwise be prepared for the cedarwood pollen to turn the end of your nose a shiny red, with eyes to match, and make sure to have plenty of Kleenex on hand). Post-workout, dive into the video-rental place at the American Club and rent a movie that has yet to come out in the theaters here in Japan. Watch this in the afternoon, prior to the arrival of your personal shiatsu masseuse/accupuncturist.

Finally, drift off to sleep on Monday night, knowing that your liver (and the rest of you) is better off than if you had actually taken that flight to Hong Kong and spent the weekend there drinking yourself silly amidst all the madness and revelry of the annual HK Rugby Sevens Tournament...

Okay--maybe I AM getting old...!


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